Artist in Residence

  • Nicole Voevodin-Cash is an artist designer and maker of sculpture, furniture, landscapes, installations and experiences that both challenge and play on the interface between the body and the environment.

    Nicole's work for TRACE, from which the markers were created for the Biennial's venue facades, is the app-based M.A.D.E Walking – she explains:

    "M.A.D.E Walking is human creativity in motion, an acronym of "Many Adventures Directly Experienced while Walking." It encapsulates the profound influence of walking on our existence, from shaping the world's patterns to nurturing our abstract thinking. Walking bridges the gap between contemplation, ideation, and action, offering us a unique lens to explore, interpret, and connect with our surroundings.

    This app isn't just about walking; it's a catalyst for transformation, empowering individuals to become creators, mapping their own journeys as true selfies of presence. A unique drawing of you visualising your presence in line, your wellbeing MADE creative."